August has shaped up to be yet another month of cancellations and refunds for our locked down Members.
If there is anyone left out there who is not subject to stay at home rules, Thredbo is really quite amazing right now - so much snow so few people - a bit like stepping back in time!
With the lodge about 3/4 empty now, our Booking Director Ange Brooks would really love to approve some big groups bookings. So any Members who are still allowed to travel are heartily encouraged to bring all their (non-locked down) friends and family along with them to the lodge.
The process is easy - just make a booking in the system with everyone's details. This generates a "Requires Approval" booking. The booking request then goes through the Ange who can approve the request at the click of a button.
Hoping we might see a few non-locked down Members and loads of their guests in Thredbo over the coming weeks!
Jen & Kate are on hand and would love to see as many of you there as can make it.
The TAC Team